Colon cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the large intestine. Our colons are about 6 feet long and allow waste to travel from the small intestine to the rectum. Like other organs in our body, the colon is vulnerable to many diseases and conditions, like cancer. Colon Cancer Causes and Risk FactorsAt this time, we can't exactly pinpoint what causes colon cancer, but we do know what may make our risk of developing colon cancer greater. Risk factors for colon cancer include:

  • Age. As you age, your risk for developing colon cancer increases. Colon cancer most often occurs in adults over the age of 50, but it can still occur in younger adults.

  • Race and Ethnicity. African Americans are at a greater risk of developing colon cancer than any other race, although it is unclear why. Ashkenazi Jews (Jews of European descent) are also at high risk of developing colon cancer. Several inherited genetic mutations have been found in Ashkenazi Jews, which greatly contributes to their increased risk.

  • Family Medical History. If you have a family history of colon cancer, you may be at a greater risk of developing the disease, too. A person does not need a family history of colon cancer to have colon cancer; it is most commonly diagnosed in those without a family history.

  • Personal Medical History. Having polyps, small growths in the colon, puts you at risk of developing colon cancer. Seventy percent to 90% of colon cancer cases develop from polyps, and having them removed reduces your risk of colon cancer. Once removed, they can return, which makes colon cancer screening a vital part of maintaining colon health. You are also more at risk if you suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a condition that causes the colon to become inflamed.

  • Genetics. Two inherited syndromes are commonly associated with a marked increase in colon cancer risk are familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer(HNPCC). About 5% of colon cancer cases are caused by a inherited syndrome. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is a much less common syndrome that is also associated with colon cancer.

  • Other Identified Risk Factors: There are many other identified colon cancer risk factors, such as smoking cigarettes, consuming alcohol, level of physical activity, obesity, and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.
  • Colon Cancer SymptomsIn the early stages, colon cancer usually doesn't have symptoms. As the disease progresses, which can take years, symptoms include:
    • blood in stool
    • persistent constipation, diarrhea, or other bowel changes
    • thinner stools
    • unexplained weight loss
    • abdominal pain and discomfort- generally feeling full, bloated, or cramping
    • abdominal tenderness or pain
    • fatigue
  • These colon cancer symptoms are not unique and can also be symptoms of many other conditions. Colon Cancer ScreeningSeveral screening methods are highly effective at detecting colon cancer. Colon cancer screening tests include:

    • Colonoscopy. A colonoscopy allows the doctor to get an in-depth view of the colon with the use of a colonoscope, a fiber optic tube that is attached to a microscopic camera that transmits live video feed to a monitor. The colonoscope is gently inserted into the anus and slowly to the colon, giving the doctor a full view of the rectum and large intestine. It is common to be nervous about a colonoscopy, so people are given a sedative prior to the procedure to aid in relaxation, and also to help the doctor complete the colonoscopy.

    • Sigmoidoscopy. Much like a colonoscopy, a sigmoidoscopy is done with a flexible, lighted tube with an attached camera, but it is limited to only the lower part of the colon.

    • Barium Enema. During a barium enema, a doctor inserts liquid barium into the rectum. X-rays are taken of you laying several positions. The barium allows the colon to be viewed better on X-rays.

    • Fecal Occult Blood Test. A fecal occult blood test (FOBT) finds blood in your stool that you may not see with the naked eye or to confirm that it is actually blood in the stool that you may have seen. You are given a special kit to collect stool samples.

    For adults who are at average risk of colon cancer, it is recommended to begin screening for colon cancer at age 50. Adults who are classified at higher risk may begin screening earlier at the recommendation of their doctor. Remember that even if you are not experiencing symptoms of colon cancer, you should always follow your doctor's colon cancer screening recommendations. Diagnosing Colon CancerIf a screening test reveals suspicious results, then a colon biopsy is done. A colon biopsy can be conveniently done during a colonoscopy or can also be done surgically. During a colon biopsy, small amounts of colon tissue are removed and then sent to a pathology lab to screen for evidence of cancer. If cancer is present, then the stage of colon cancer is then determined through colon cancer surgery to remove the cancer. Surrounding lymph nodes are tested and may also be removed during the surgery. Treatment of Colon CancerSurgery. Most people with colon cancer will undergo some type of colon surgery. It is a common method of treatment and often accompanies another type of surgery. Types of surgery used to treat colon cancer include:
    • Local Incision and Polypectomy. In early stage colon cancer, a surgeon may be able to remove cancerous tissue without actually having to make an incision in the abdomen. Special instruments are inserted into the rectum to the colon cancer the cancer is removed. If the cancer is found in a polyp, then is it referred to as a polypectomy